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Service Families

Being part of a service family brings its own opportunities and challenges. Through whole school events, such as Month of the Military Child, fundraising for Military Charities and Remembrance Day, we value the contributions of the military and give service children the opportunity to share their own experiences of being part of a service family. 

Mrs Willcock is our Service Children's Champion. Please contact her if your family is about to experience a deployment or house move. Her email is cbrock@curridge.w-berks.sch.uk

Remembrance Day 2024

Children across the school created artwork and painted poppies on rocks to celebrate Remembrance Day.

The Year 6 children hosted a fantastic Remembrance Assembly attended by friends & families, and walked to the Tommy in the village to lay a wreath of poppies. 

Guidance The Service Pupil Premium: what you need to know (Updated 29 August 2024)

Please use this link to find guidance from Gov.UK on Service Pupil Premium.  


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